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Freitag, 17. Juni 2016

Bittersweet kisses

Pain strikes down

Cold drops of water fall upon the grey pathstones. Heat pulsates through veins, fills the lungs with dust and ashes. Just a touch inside the skin, deep down below the protecting surface and walls, created by black thoughts and feelings diffusing slowly in the mind. Some moments pass, the heart loses its contact to the body, adrenaline rushes across the bruised joints, strange fog swallows out of the mouth. Screams echo in a spinning crescendo, distorted voices murmur while legs and arms hurl around, nothing keeps them in position. A tongue breaks the mouth open, leaves bloody cracks on the lips.  Bittwersweet tastes consign its traces, different odours strangle the visions. Lids are kept half open while shadows and lights alternate constantly into schemes and forms visualized in hopeful dreams. Pain strikes the body down, shakes the whole and shatters the memories into nearly unidentificable parts. Shivers glide down the spine when hands after hands and lips after lips, tongue and tongue enjoy the numb cover of a confused young soul. Wounds after wounds crack open, scars lighten up while beats bicker on the least untouched portions. They bleed on the gray stones, leave smeared slides of red. Lifeless glares a pair of blue eyes as a shadow comes for salvation. Tears float down the cheeks, stained from the beats and bittersweet kisses. A smile is carved onto the face as the darkness greets the hopeless innermost creature while the greedy hands and lips and tongues still look for the taste of joy they never find elsewhere but here...

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