For a moment
For a second, everything falls in place, everything seems easy and light-hearted. A soft smile, a tiny laughter, a nod in direction of someone's face. Like the sun life is guided amongst pathways invisible to the eye. For a moment, fingers intertwine and build a haven against loneliness and the shallow feeling of nothingness. Like a stormy wave crashes the reality upon the illusions, detroys ideal worlds and palaces made of air. Feet stumble across the empty lands and sinister streets, where no one and nothing ever set foot upon. Pain rushes through the veins, leaves feverish traces on dark faces. The laugh is gone and only bitterness follows. The heart tries to cover up its wounded tracks, but scars remain, keep old traces and ways to break up over and over again. A stitching wave of heavy rain floods the lost cabins of rationality, steals breath and life from the sloly skeletting body. Covering the eyes and wars, trying to get rid off the voices that haul from deep inside. Fear explodes in a burning inferno inside the chest, leaves breathless love behind and dissolves into dead remains further and further. Fear becomes anxiety becomes endless pain, viciously intertwined with the last shattered memories. Memories wasted forever on someone's disinterest. Arms cling around an anchor of affection, just for a second, only to be pushed away deeper and deeper into unknown depths. Lost lifetime, lost love, lost energy, lost dreams, all that adds up inside the whole. Fills every left corner up with the poisonous drink of lethargy and resignation until everything feels stingy and painful, while being numbed and deafened at the same time. But for a second, a smile appears for the last time, as the dark warers embrace the living dead. For a moment, eyes align in a last exchange of dreamy hope before every chance for any contact is given up, lost to the hands of the darkness that took the illusions and beautiful worlds away forever.